Dr. Mondloch is a practicing physician with 30 years of experience specializing in Women’s Health, Family Medicine, Preventive Health & Wellness. Our practice allows patients to partner in their own healthcare. Our mission is to empower our patients with how to work together on medical diagnoses and to educate them on the best steps to keeping them healthy.
Imagine a doctor’s office without a waiting room…Imagine your appointment that happens on-time…Imagine a doctor’s office that helps you understand your insurance coverage while you’re visiting the doctor and helps you understand your costs before you receive any bill from your insurance company…Imagine a full-service medical office that includes urgent care same-day services in the convenience of your doctor’s office…Imaginediscount programs that are available to you for prescriptions at your regular pharmacy…Imagine transparency of cost for laboratory services that keep your healthcare dollars in your pocket…
Imagine no more…our office is conveniently located in a corporate setting, to accommodate and respect your business schedule. We are located on the south side of Goehrke’s Corners off of I-94 and Barker Rd, visible from the freeway with easy on and off-ramp access within 15 minutes of downtown Milwaukee. Dr. Mondloch is an independent physician, which means we are able to cross hospital service boundaries and send our patients for testing, referrals or services that are in the best interests of our patients.